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Did you ever have a dream that everyone told you to give up on? And…did you give up?

A few years ago I had an idea of a place where people could always come for support, day or night, like a 12 step Anonymous meeting, online, to work on their projects.

You see, many of my clients are talented visionaries but they (we) can get super stuck, isolate, experience anxiety, depression and…give up on their dreams. As cheesy as that may sound, giving up on yourself and your dreams is the worst. All the coaches I work with think it’s crazy and that I’m GIVING TOO MUCH to have over 50+ LIVE classes/month with myself and Joumor Instructors to help you get organized and productive.

My coaches are like (and I’m like):

Can’t they watch videos? -yes but it’s not the same as having live people there.
Can’t you do one class per week? – yes but it’s not the same, plus not everyone has the same schedule.
Do your clients really need THAT MUCH SUPPORT? – want/need/enjoy- whether they need it or not, it’s nice to know someone is there so much of the time.
How many classes do people really attend in a month? – many. it’s fun and they ALWAYS GET STUFF DONE and feel better, even when the class is just 15 mins.

Clutter tends to build with

  • Overwhelming to-do lists
  • Papers
  • Closets and desks
  • “Money things-” like paying bills or following up on getting paid…

…are you nodding knowingly?

If you didn’t have any clutter holding you back, you’d be launching your programs you’ve always meant to launch, designing your business with satisfaction and mastering your schedule so you can live the way you truly desire.

The Joumor Institute is designed to help you remove alllll the clutter meaningfully so that it doesn’t build up again. When you remove the clutter and overwhelm, everything is possible.

My coaches over the last year and a half told me to give up on the Joumor Institute but I’m not giving up on you, or on my dream.

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