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“If you’re not able to be consistent, do less.” -Melissa Pharr

Two years and 3 months ago I committed to publish at least one post to my readers per week, hopefully inspiring and/or educating them in some way.

I’m at a 2 day conference in NYC, and I brought my computer to just add a note, Live, Fresh, from where I am in this moment. One of my teachers, Mel Pharr, said the quote above in class this week.

So many of my clients and potential clients tell me they don’t have time for Joumor- they don’t have time to get organized. I have to resist the temptation for Talmudic debate- “if you don’t have time, that’s exactly why you need it!”

But no- we’re only ready when we’re ready.

And if you feel yourself getting ready to make the changes you need to be more productive and launch that program you’ve had in your Notes forever, start to whittle away- Remove What Doesn’t Belong…and do less.

Do less, succeed, build your self-trust….and rinse and repeat.

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