…in a bad way?
Like, no one understands…
- Your shame of not wanting to have anyone over
- The ridiculous state of your internet and tech passwords
- Your debt breathing down your neck
- How you repeat tasks, totally forgetting you already started this
- How nothing seems to work, and it’s a series of starting over and over
- How when things are good, they suddenly crash…
- How your brain doesn’t work like everybody else’s
And on and on..AND:
- How GENIUS you are
- How frustrated you are at how the world doesn’t get to see your gifts
- How you’re actually really good at organizing
- How good things could be If Only…
Here’s the good news: It’s all textbook Joumor!
We are all definitely special in our own ways. But when it comes to our problems we often think we’re special and that no one can help us.
I’ve helped clients
- Dig out an entire office full of papers and pay 5 years of back taxes
- Empty and sell 10,000 ft houses
- Grow their teams and massively increase business AND revenue
All of this begins by Removing What Doesn’t Belong, literally and metaphorically. There are others like you, and they need as much or more help as you do.
How You Do Something is How You Do Some Things: No one is perfect, believe it or not! We’re all good at some stuff and not great at others.
Every single thing in your life and your business can be improved WHEN you align all actions to be in integrity with your values and desires.
This is what we’ll be doing for a year together in the Productivity Power Mastermind beginning December 5th at 8pm EST.
Yes, it’s a year. Yes, it’s around 10K (unless you’re a student or a senior or doing it with your partner). Yes, we’ll be doing alllll those things on your to-do list.
Joumor is the Joy + Humor that lies on the other side of all the hell and misery we’ve been avoiding. Do one thing today you’ve needed to do for awhile and see how you feel. It’s all there for you and you already know what you need to do, one little paper at a time.
Let’s show the world how special you are…in a good way.