“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey
Thanks, Oprah. Now how can we be about a billionth as successful as you?
It’s pretty hard to make decisions about every single thing in our possession…and let’s not get started on digital storage! Things get overwhelming, FAST, when we try to deal with them directly.
One of the most powerful Joumor Principles is Use What You Have. By using what we already have, things take on a certain clarity. They become easier. Straightforward. Joumorous.
When we expand into our already exisiting abundance- our things and opportunities and people and love in our lives, it’s easier to remove what doesn’t belong. When we use our favorite knife over and over in cooking, we realize that we’re scared of or don’t like the other ones…and suddenly it’s fun to donate the other ones.
When we look around at the things we value and feel a warm feeling of gratitude, the cold disdain of things we don’t like is bone-chillingly clear. We don’t have to try to figure out what’s important, we know.
Joumor is 100% about using what you have. Your stuff, your wisdom, your capabilities…your time on this earth.
Lots of coaches and productivity hacks say to start the day with 3 gratitudes. I’ll be honest- that doesn’t work for me, because I get there with my mind, but I can’t feel it. When I wear clothes that fit well, or eat locally-sourced squash, or drink fair trade coffee, I feel good. Connected. Proud that my actions align with my values.
And that fills me with gratitude…and makes me naturally declutter all that doesn’t.
Take just 10 seconds and look around wherever you are at your stuff.
What fills you with gratitude?
What do you not even notice?
What irritates you?
And then make your to-do list. Capture this effortless wisdom and turn it into action.
Not only will you Remove What Doesn’t Belong, you’ll be doing what Oprah said- making room for more of what does.
Imagine if we all did everything from this place of gratitude- what a wonderful world it would be.
What? You missed Black Friday’s sale?
No worries! You can take major advantage right NOW (until doors close tomorrow at 3pm):
Productivity Power Mastermind + Organizing FUNdamentals: Ready to rock your next year, BIG TIME? Join like-minded entrepreneurs and badass visionaries on a yearlong journey to Live Your Vision and declutter all that doesn’t belong in your life. Sign up now and tomorrow’s THREE HOUR class is included FREE!
Organizing FUNdamentals: This incredible class is a no-brainer if you’ve wanted to get organized and feel overwhelmed to get started or to keep going. Invest 3 hours TOMORROW NIGHT setting yourself up to be super organized in 2018. JUST $97!!
Joumor Intro Strategy Session Package: Perhaps the most amazing Joumor offer this year. Sign up for the Joumor Intro Strategy Session. If you desire to continue Joumorizing your money, your cabinets, your closets and your business, apply the entire investment ($975) to the yearlong Mastermind.