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6 minutes, 3 seconds, (but more on that later).

To this day, I don’t love my arms. People want more fit arms, but my arms are too fit. But I’m not complaining. They pay my bills.” -Serena Williams

Maybe I’m a little late to the game, but lately I’m becoming a big Serena Williams fan. I love her attitude and her awesome athleticism. Plenty of people would LOVE to have arms like hers…but they’re not even her favorite. They’re her work and play tools. According to Forbes, Williams’ net worth was recently valued at $150 million dollars. At least she can look on the bright side! 🙂

Speaking of the bright side, instead of bemoaning that Apple hasn’t gotten a chance to approve the Joumor App so we could begin Beta 2 yesterday as planned, there are 2 bright sides to share with you.

When we released the app in Beta 1, I was pretty busy responding to emails and talking to the developer for the two weeks of the test. Since we are still waiting for approval, I found myself unexpectedly free, relaxed and available here in London. So I did my plank challenge for the day, which I started about a month and a half ago. During that time I’ve gone from 30 seconds to 6 minutes and 3 seconds! That feels pretty awesome. My favorite part of this process is observing my negative mental chatter turn into the most fierce and loving coach…plus, I feel like a clichéd businessman in the 80’s as I shout, “You can DO THIS, LEAH!!” It’s fun.

On the other bright side, that means you can sign up today to join the other 61 people so far testing the app. We’re doing our best to make it stand out as Joumorously excellent in the ocean of productivity apps.

Lots of my friends and clients have started doing the Plank Challenge. If you decide to, I’d love to hear about it! Plus, you can put it on your Today’s Top 3 task in the Joumor App!

We’ll be taking the app sign up down at midnight tonight, so come join us now and play for 2 weeks.

To your productivity and fullest self.

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