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Tonight is the beginning of the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, where Jews are encouraged to ask forgiveness.

Whether or not you observe this holiday, asking for forgiveness is a powerful concept. Why? Because bearing a grudge or a hurt is clutter, and any form of decluttering affects our entire lives.

There are 8 areas of decluttering:

  1. Stuff
  2. Space
  3. Time
  4. Habits
  5. Money
  6. Dream
  7. Relationships
  8. (all contained in the) Body

When we experience clutter we are more likely to avoid that thing, and everything is connected. Let’s use the example of relationship clutter. You’re annoyed with someone and it’s bothering you so you can’t sleep- body clutter– and don’t get back to them about going to an event- time clutter– then, time is running out so you finally decide to go, and buy the tickets at the last minute, which costs triple- money clutter. Sound familiar?

All of our actions affect us, and are moving us in the direction of more or less clutter in all areas of our lives at all times.

Let’s look at another example. Let’s say things are a mess in your house and you can’t find your keys- stuff clutter. This stresses you out- body clutter– and makes you late- time clutter– to get to a meeting about an important opportunity to speak at an event which you don’t get- dream and money clutter– because you don’t make the kind of impression you had hoped and this doesn’t go over well with your team- relationship clutter… the friction from this ultimately causes you to leave the work you’re doing to start over, which is stressful and time consuming and makes you concerned about your retirement funds… (time, money, body clutter). All from not finding your keys?

The Butterfly Effect

Yes. A whole new life and work journey can begin simply from not finding your keys. Along any journey the reasons things went the way they did can seem complicated and multi-faceted when in fact, it can be pretty simple. Much like the butterfly’s wings flapping in London affecting traffic patterns in New York, tiny clutter in one area of our lives can create much bigger clutter elsewhere in our lives.


On this Erev Yom Kippur, otherwise known as Tuesday, otherwise known as a single day in your life- ask yourself what simple thing you could remove that doesn’t belong.

If you want

  • Peace of mind
  • To take efficient action that bears solid results
  • To find what you’re looking for
  • Less waste- money/time/stress
  • More self-trust and confidence
  • Better relationships

Look around your life for what you can remove that doesn’t belong, and do it. You have this powerful opportunity EVERY DAY. When you remove what doesn’t belong, you’ll have more time, space, and energy for what really matters.

It’s your life. Here’s to decluttering and making the most of every day.

PS: I hope you’ll join me this THURSDAY October 10th at 3pm EST/1pm PST for my free Masterclass, Decluttering for Entrepreneurs. PLEASE NOTE: there is a limit of 100 attendees for this class, and it will be full. If you’re not able to sign up for this one, don’t worry, we will be doing another one soon.

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