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Hello you smart and (overly) hard-working entrepreneur or manager…

Do you have one important goal that you’d LOVE to accomplish…but you never seem to get to it?

Like your Program Launch, Booking Sales Calls, Finish The Website, Write Your Book, Get Your Finances in Order, Get Back in Shape


  • Think about it all the time and it bothers you
  • Know you could achieve it if you just put your mind to it…but you haven’t yet
  • Wonder if you’ll achieve it at all and entertain the idea of giving up

If you’re a visionary who can make miracles happen, but are feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated…


I get it, I can help you!

Leave the overwhelm behind and imagine instead that you…

  • Are clear on EXACTLY what to do to move your goal forward
  • Are confident that a few small tweaks will skyrocket your productivity
  • Prioritize like a ninja so it’s EASY to take action and get results FAST (faster than you ever imagined!)

Hey, I’m Leah Fisch

I help business owners and professionals skyrocket their productivity to achieve their most critical goals. 

But I wasn’t always so great at this myself.

As a kid, I struggled to clean my room. I moved slowly, was messy and slept under piles of clothes and toys.

As an adult, I discovered that even I could be organized- as long as I did it my way. I began helping clients get more organized so they could live better lives and build better businesses.

But when I hit a dark time personally, it felt hard to move or do anything. It was like I was a little kid again, lying under piles of things, unable to make any decisions.

Although I wanted to give up, thankfully, instead I taught myself how to get through my avoidance of hard tasks and intimidating projects and created Joumor.

For 20 years, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs and professionals who struggle with anxiety and overwhelm become way more productive using my proven, neuroscience-based methodology.

My entire productivity philosophy was created to deal with difficult emotions that blocked my productivity.

I’m offering this class right now because the more productive we are, the better positioned we are to achieve our goals and do good in the world. There’s never been a better time than right now.

“In working with Leah, I not only got organized around the project of mapping out my next-level service offerings and accomplished two very necessary aspects of it, so that I’m now very prepared to take next steps in up-leveling my offerings, I also have a foolproof set of tools — the ultimate roadmap — for accomplishing any project. My business has already benefited, and I’m so looking forward to continuing to work with Leah to take my business even higher!”

Meg Pritchard, Principal, CREATE Communications

Dr Hymen
“Leah Fisch helped bring organization and systems to our medical practice.”

Dr. Mark Hyman of the Ultrawellness Center


“I loved how compassionate this practice [that Leah teaches] is. To me and everyone I work with. Because this organizing meditation identifies true needs, not the imaginings of vanity and the superpowers we would like to have.”

Kasia Urbaniak, The Academy

Introducing Ultimate Action Roadmap

– A simple 30 day program to help you create a customized plan to easily execute and achieve your goal

With my proven 5-step CEO Rise Methodology you’ll discover how to move forward on your goal with CLARITY, EASE and SUCCESS

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Step 4:


Step 5:


STEP 1: Preparation is Everything

For those of us who have procrastinated or gotten delayed, we often want to jump in and go as fast as we can to “catch up.”

This is the mistake that most of the world makes that we refuse to make in CEO Rise: we prepare.

Focusing on your end goal will guide exactly what you need to do to succeed. Spending 67-80% of the project time in preparation yields extraordinary results.

STEP 2: Remove What Doesn’t Belong

As projects are underway, mistakes and redundancies are often discovered, but due to the rush, they are often ignored.

This is the mistake that most of the world makes that we refuse to make in CEO Rise: we remove what doesn’t belong.

With laser sharp clarity of the project, you’ll know exactly what to remove so you can actually reach your goal.

STEP 3: Set Yourself Up To Win

If you analyzed 100 projects, you’d find that in the vast majority of them, people and the project are actually set up to fail. That’s why projects are usually over time and over budget.

This is the mistake that most of the world makes that we refuse to make in CEO Rise: we set ourselves up to win.

Now that you’re set up and momentum is flowing, you can take a bird’s eye view on what your project needs and work that into an even better project plan.

STEP 4: Review and Confirm

Ironically, it’s often when things are going well that we need to step back and see what’s needed. People often ride the wave of momentum without confirming what’s going on.

This is the mistake that most of the world makes that we refuse to make in CEO Rise: we remind ourselves of exactly what’s needed while the project is underway.

As things change you’ll do what almost no one does- review and see what “re-planning” is needed so you stay on track.

STEP 5: Set Yourself Up to Receive

Most people are never done working, because
nothing is ever truly finished.

This is the mistake that most of the world makes that we refuse to make in CEO Rise: we set ourselves up to receive.

When your part is done and the ball is in other people’s court, you can relax and focus on what’s most important to you while you wait to receive the results from this project you completed.

Bottom line: You’ll achieve the goal that’s been hanging over you so you’re energized, decluttered, focused and enthusiastic for your work AND your personal life.

All by devoting just 90 minutes per week to move forward on your big project/goal with LIVE guidance from Leah in community with others.

“As a person who has a hard time completing tasks, I use the Principles and tools to set myself up to win in small timed bits. My uncluttered dining room table is now used for eating. Thank you, CEO Rise, for creating a system that works for me and impacts my whole family.”

Roberta Lieberman

“For the first time, I didn’t feel overwhelmed by the process of simplifying my space. She quickly taught me that my goals are achieved through my thoughts. I have been able to keep my place in much better shape as a result. I’d recommend her to anyone…and have, including my parents!”

Joshua Horwitz, Craniosacral Therapist

“I knew I wanted to stop dragging my heels and get fast, easy wins and results, so I chose to work with Leah because she always seems to be able to corner me into getting things done very quickly and joyously with her mysterious blend of pure practicality and lightness of being. I’m so happy because now I’ve been in touch daily with my accountant, organized a spreadsheet of my business expenses for 2019, clarified the process for all these different consultants, and sent out the majority of the forms they need to send back to me to be submitted by my accountant.”

Laura Shivani St. George, Main UN NGO Representative, Ocean Lifeline

How we work

  • SIGN UP! 
  • SHOW UP live to class and get ready for the magic as you succeed.
  • REJOICE! You reached your goal in just 30 days!

BONUS to help you knock it out of the park

Access to the recordings for 6 months so you can rinse and repeat this magic 3 more times.

Why Be Productive?

Let’s pull back for a second. Why is it even important to be “productive” when so much important stuff is going on in the world?

Actually, we want to be productive on a regular basis so we can be present with what is going on instead of distracted by everything we haven’t done.

Plus, the more productive we are, the more FREE we are to NOT BE PRODUCTIVE when more important things are going on.

Most of us put things off that we don’t want to do. It’s natural and human to run from discomfort.

Leah Fisch

When things get tough, it’s even harder to do what we need to do, especially when it doesn’t feel relevant or appealing. So we put it off even more, but that only adds to our underlying anxiety, which strips us of our power in the moment.

When we’re willing to take action, no matter how uncomfortable, things start to go faster than we could have imagined.

“Leah’s approach of getting “brilliant on the basics” continues to reveal the blind spots that are at the source of ALL the clutter in my life.

Her methodology and the tools she provides have a way of circumventing whatever resistance I may have in taking the very next obvious step(s) to accomplishing something on my to-do list.

I’ve become aware of belief systems that are hidden from my view that have kept me stuck.

Joe Pipitone


Figuring out what task is appropriate and realistic to do during that time and then being able to fulfill that is really satisfying. Even if it’s a small thing! Being able to estimate that, get a true calibration and complete it feels really good.

Daniel Barnett, Speech Therapist

“My kitchen counter is usable, as is my mail drop, and my bookbinding and shipping supplies area. As a result my life and work are more pleasant after working with Leah.”

Esther K Smith, author, How to Make Books

Can you picture devoting just 90 minutes a week LIVE to NAIL your goal—in just 5 weeks? 

In each class you’ll learn the same proven Productivity Principles that my VIP CEO-level clients learn—clients who run multimillion-dollar organizations.

The key is to choose EXACTLY what you will focus on for these 5 weeks, and then enjoy how quickly your progress and momentum build.

The Neuroscience Behind 10Xing Your Productivity

Many of us experience stress and anxiety and fear when it comes to doing hard tasks.

The Joumor productivity philosophy is all about brain-hacking to access the clarity, calm and conEdence that leads to great decisions and success.

  • Planning decreases fear so you can think straight and deliver on time (early)
  • Breaking tasks down identifies EXACTLY what you need to do so you can focus
  • “Unitasking” sharpens your focus and increases your energy
  • Naming uncomfortable emotions diffuses them and allows you to work faster

I’m ready to get back on track so I can focus on what’s really important to me.

“Before working with Leah, I was feeling scattered and overwhelmed. During the course I was able to move forward with a complicated tax issue that I had been procrastinating on for months. By the end of the course I felt relieved, free, and prepared to tackle my projects with a lot more confidence. I now have a system that makes it much easier to dive in and to stick with challenging projects. The processes Leah teaches are priceless!”

Patricia Black–Life Coach/Sensuality Teacher

“Before working with Leah, I had been putting off promoting my book. Because of everything happening in the world I felt uncomfortable sharing about it. During the class I was able to come up with a manageable plan and begin the process. I just got a call from my publisher letting me know that pre-order sales for my book had dramatically increased. I’m thrilled and now have the confidence to continue, thanks to Leah’s guidance.”

Elana Bell, Poet, sound practitioner, creativity guide

“I wanted to be more organized and focused with my time and I chose to work with Leah because I heard excellent recommendations from a friends’ circle who had great results after working with her. I’m so happy because now I have effective tools to stay focused, have peace of mind when working on a project and also feel aligned with my feelings when I am working on a task. She allowed to me to be mindful of my environment and proactively change it to feel better and ready. I really enjoyed her style of working. I feel like I ‘m even more organized in my thoughts and my apartment even looks tidy and organized by getting rid of what does not serves me in order to achieve my goal. This was a game-changer and I feel I have used my time more effectively. Thank you very much Leah! This was awesome and eye-opening!”

Olivia Drouhaut, Senior Manager, Non-Profit


“I knew I wanted to adapt effective work strategies into my day; I chose to work with Leah for her ability to support that. Before working with Leah I felt held back by overwhelming plans and confusing goals. Leah’s use of a “Personal Manifesto” has specifically given me a clear and concise method for a successful day, everyday.”

Jeremy Marino

“I used to think I was disorganized. Leah taught me that I have a unique and perfect internal way of organizing that works perfectly for me. She taught me how to tap in to my brilliant neatfreakiness.”

Regena “Mama Gena” Thomashauer, Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts


“Wait, seriously—I have to pay you, while work on my own goal?”

Whatever you’ve tried so far, you haven’t attained your resolution. Being in a supportive group environment creates accountability—and so does paying for it.

“Will the calls be recorded?”

Absolutely. Yes, the recordings will be available within 24 hours after each class.

“I’m confident about my productivity skills and don’t feel like I’m struggling. Is this class a fit for me?”

Like an seasoned athlete versus someone new to a sport, when you’re already good at something you can take the tools and go farther faster.

“But Leah, my goal is exercise/meditate/ organize something really embarrassing! I don’t want people to see me on video!”

No worries! Turn off the video or call in by phone, whatever you like. Just show up and reap the rewards.

“What if I can’t come make it to class?”

Perfect attendance is ideal to get your money’s worth, but if you absolutely can’t make it, you’ll be able to stay on track by listening to the recordings of each class.

“How will it feel to accomplish something in 30 DAYS?”

Umm, pretty fantastic, don’t you think? Something that’s been hanging over you, taking up mental and literal space? There’s nothing better than succeeding in something that felt so hard you almost gave up on it.

“How much can I REALISTICALLY get done in 30 DAYS?”

That totally depends on you, but I promise you- with my 20 years of client experience- way more than you thought possible. AND a LOT more than nothing at all, which may be where you’re at right now!

“Do I need to be familiar with the CEO Rise Productivity Philosophy to take this course?”

Not at all. You’ll pick it up quickly and there will be no quizzes. 🙂

“What if I’m a former student?”

Mastery comes through repetition. If it’s been awhile since you studied CEO Rise, or even if you’re a current student, you’ll simply have better results. This is also a brand-new class.

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