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Here at the Intensive, we just wrote our Personal Manifestos. Do you have one?

In Joumor, we write our Personal Manifestos in the following way:

I AM _________________________ (13 or fewer more words to follow). It’s 15 words or fewer so that we can repeat it to ourselves like a mantra.

A wonderful and common theme my students use is something like “I am 30 minutes early for all appointments so that I am prepared and confident.” Why? Because most of us are late most of the time. And being on time would change everything.

The voices in our head can be crazy and reactive. When something goes wrong, many of us self-flagellate and doubt ourselves. And we might whisper mean things about ourselves. When we do, we move farther and farther from how we want to be, often giving up in angry defeat.

But there is another way:

  • Write your personal manifesto- your ideal self beginning with I AM
  • Hang it up on a post-it or a piece of paper where you will see it regularly
  • Repeat it to yourself like a mantra
  • Tell your friends
  • Post it on Facebook/Instagram etc

When we become Intentional we choose to move in the direction of what we want with little action steps that come to mind as we repeat our personal manifesto- no matter how much we think we can’t “paint”- and we might even end up with a beautiful painting of sunflowers. 😉

What’s your Personal Manifesto? Please hit “Add Comment” below and share- I’d love to hear it!

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