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The Most Dangerous Word in Productivity

The days are getting shorter. “If I had six hours to cut down a tree, I’d spend the first four sharpening the axe.” AbrahamLincoln Exactly, Sir. You’d spend 67% of the allocated project time to Preparation. And yet, that’s exactly what most people...

You Can’t Handle the Peace!

Five months ago I was doing gymnastics seven months pregnant, dancing five times a week, meeting my friends for dinner and parties in NYC, visiting my family in NJ, and temporarily concluding my international travels. #nycbusy was pretty much me. Things are pretty...

How to Access Your Success

The other day I went to the eye doctor and it came time for the dreaded puff of air right in my EYEBALL. I mean, I don’t know if you’re into that kind of thing, but I’ve been freaking out about it since my first pair of glasses when I was four years old…or whenever...

Sins, a New Year, and a “New” You

Tashlich, an important part of yesterday’s Jewish new year, is one of my favorite traditions. The synagogues’s congregation gathers near a body of running water to “cast their sins” in the form of pocket lint or bread crumbs to symbolize releasing the old that...

From Chaos to Clarity: A Hurricane of Productivity

A glass containing half its size in water can be perceived as “still a lot left,” “half empty,” or, as the joke about the engineer or project manager goes, twice as large as it needs to be. It’s all about perspective. Hurricanes Harvey and Irma were devastating....

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