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Arnold Schwarzenegger: Joumor Coach

The other night I watched Pumping Iron, a 1977 documentary about bodybuilders, focused on Arnold Schwarzenegger. This Joumorous quote by Arnold struck me: “The body isn’t used to lifting nine, ten, eleven, twelve reps…that makes the body grow- going through this...

“Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There.”

My older sister was an emergency room nurse for many years. She mentioned to me recently that they used this motto in the ER to train staff and I felt like my brain flipped upside-down- “Waaaaiiit, don’t you mean the opposite…?” but then I understood it. It’s actually...

How to Prepare for Change

“Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.” Hugh Prather Sometimes we are creating change intentionally, sometimes it is happening around us. No matter the details, change…changes things. Whether or not we are actively desiring or creating...

This One Thing Is Surprisingly Sexy…

I’m tempted to have you guess what this one surprisingly sexy thing is…. But I’ll tell you: The one thing is…being organized with your time! Some of you might argue that that’s not a juicy answer. But you deniers probably won’t be organized enough to write...

6 Ways to Handle “Rejection”

Why Goal Achievement isn’t Linear: The Energetics of Joumor, & my 18-year-old nephew’s job search magic. My sweet nephew Max is looking for a job in NJ while he’s home from college for the summer. He’d applied to a few places, but I hadn’t...

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