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Nourish Your Babies: How to unravel your tasks and DO them

Happy Friday, and a special welcome to all our new Joumor readers! Lately Joumor students (thank you, Nathalie!) have been tagging me on Facebook and sending me pictures of matryoshka dolls, referring to the Joumor principle: Matryoshka the task. It is REALLY FUN to...

The Grief of Letting Go

In our final class of last month’s Productivity for YOUR Brain, students rated themselves on accomplishing their goals. One student rated herself a 5/5 but was close to crying. “I finished my goal the day after the first class. And I’ve done so much since then...

How Do I Get My Husband To…

“Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you.” -Mike Murdock Thank you! Newsletter reader Ileane sent in this great question: “How do I get my husband to clean up his parents’ memorabilia that’s laying in boxes in our...

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