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When you’re following up, waiting on hold, trying AGAIN to get your computer to recognize that you’re you do you mutter something like:

“Oh my Gd, this is taking FOREVER!”

And then, somehow, a week or a month or, (cough), six months later you’re back on hold, gritting your teeth to get through the same annoying circular keypad menu this time, no matter what.

Sound familiar? It’s the worst! Or, wait, the second worst. Because the worst is when it’s so annoying or frustrating and it ends before it’s complete:

Cue, speaking to the Healthcare Marketplace, 1.5 hours in for the second time,

Agent: Ok, sorry you got cut off earlier, we’re all set now. I’m pressing submit.
(You to yourself: FINALLYYYYYY!!!)
You to Agent: Ahem. Thank you.
You to line where second agent was cut off: Hello? Hello?
You to no one: NOOOOOOOOO!

It’s moments like these where trying to untangle the clutter can literally feel traumatizing. I mean a physical sensation that grates on your nervous system. Our follow-up skills feel like they’re being tested like Job in the story of Job because it keeps not working. So the most natural thing to do is AVOID a repeat experience.

Everyone knows that we need support to deal with the big things of life: birth, death, marriage, moving, going to university, getting or changing a job…but what about the little things? I don’t know about you, but I’m more likely to trip over a pebble than an enormous boulder. It’s the little things that trip us up, over and over again.

If you’ve ever said a version of

  • I feel like I need a whole day to deal with this
  • This is taking forever
  • I’m too anxious to deal with this now
  • I can’t do that because first I have to…ugh, it’s just all messed up
  • I wish someone else could do this for me
  • This is h*ll!
  • Why is this so complicated?!

And you KNOW that if you could just FOCUS and STICK WITH IT, everything would be different. You’d get so much done. And you’d feel soooo much better….you’re in luck.

Take a moment to imagine the most loving person you’ve ever known. Maybe your grandma or your best friend or your spouse or your child or even your dog. And he or she is in the room with you saying, “It’s ok, I’m here with you. Let’s call them one. more. time.” Wouldn’t you be like, “OK”?

What if you could be that kind and as skilled to support you and comfort you- even through the roughest of tasks..what would change if you could Complete and Delete all those little tasks over and over? If you know EXACTLY what I mean, join me for the wildest thing I’ve ever offered in 18 years: The Declutter the Decade Intensive LIVE on Zoom for…SEVEN HOURS. Because seriously, it can take 7 hours to finish those little things that have been tripping you up over and over.

Whether you need to work your to-do list, invoice your clients, prepare your taxes or go through your closet, I promise you:

You will leave with a specific to-do list laid out just for YOU that feels EASY to accomplish, AND get a tremendous amount done. Now, I can’t guarantee it, but it’s also super likely that you’ll feel extremely good about yourself. And when you feel good about yourself and have less clutter, everything is possible.

>>>Click here to join me Sunday January 26th for a whopping 7 hours from 11am-6pm EST.

Whether you join us or not (but I really hope you do), remember that everything takes longer than you think, so allow at least triple the time to do things. It’s the kindest thing you can do for your nervous system…and everyone around you.

I’m really excited for this. Hope to see your beautiful face on screen in a few weeks.

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