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“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” Charles Brixton

It’s 2019, people! But we can feel pressured to DO SOMETHING…because we feel like we haven’t done much or enough last year.

Luckily, there’s the JOUMOR INSTITUTE. Aside from the most effective to-do list of all time, we have the answers you seek:

Problem: You get twisted and confused with your calendar, double book and feel shamed.
Solution: Time Planning 101: Open and Enter

Problem: You get tired of working alone- the day is already sagging by 10am.
Solution: Productiquickies! (there’s one EVERY DAY!)

Problem: Procrastination- you know how, but you just don’t, and you feel sad and bad.
Solution: FUNdamentals 102: Go Deep.

Whatever your block to productivity, we have the answer here at Joumor, where we specialize in overwhelmed (genius) CEO’s and Entrepreneurs.

Just like you must make time for what you want, you must also commit to it. Join us!

PS: Questions about the Joumor Institute? Hit reply and you’ll hear back from me or someone on the Joumor Team within 48 hours. We love your questions.

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