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What do Passover, Productivity, and Joumor Have In Common?

One word. FREEDOM. Passover is the biblical story of the Jewish people being freed from slavery in Egypt, wandering in the desert for 40 years, and finally arriving in the land of Israel after all sorts of wacky miracles occur. It’s a dramatic tale with lots of gore...

I planked my way into my jeans, thank you

“I planked my way into my jeans, thank you.” This was the email I received from my 78-year-old mother, Sue Fisch. Last year we made a commitment to lose 6 pounds-I lost 7, she lost 11. But still her favorite pair of jeans wouldn’t close. I was...

Why You Don’t Need a Vacation to Boost Your Energy

“To succeed, we must first believe that we can.” – Michael Korda One of the greatest hindrances to success is our own minds. People talk about procrastination, but as Hillary Rettig, procrastination expert, points out, the main reason people...

The Year of Capable

Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become capable of being. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe This is Joumor’s mission: to believe the best is possible and to create clutter-free connection within ourselves and between each other. As we...

Planning, Planking & Productivity

6 minutes, 3 seconds, (but more on that later). “To this day, I don’t love my arms. People want more fit arms, but my arms are too fit. But I’m not complaining. They pay my bills.” -Serena Williams Maybe I’m a little late to the game, but...

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