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Where There’s a Will There’s…Clutter!

Organizing your abandoned paperwork is one of the most stressful, exhausting and tedious things you can do. So the Joumor (joy + humor + relief) payoff waiting for you on the other side of dealing with it is fantastic.  Want to take it up a transformational notch?...

Make (Literal) Room For Your Dreams

There’s more to Joumor than meets the eye. It might sound kind of woo-woo, but one of my special skills is feeling my clients’ clutter and somehow knowing what things need to be dealt with. When I walked into my client’s office today it was almost like the...

There’s Always A Way

One of my dear California clients and I work together by video on Skype 2x/week. We are clearing her desk, redoing her filing system, and improving her clutter-free connection with the people in her life. Last week, unbeknownst to us, Skype was not working globally....

How Joumor and a Smile Helped Me Win the Playoffs

In 2003, a rabbi client of mine joked (seriously), “The dogma of any religion is: we’re right and you’re not.” I’ve always remembered that, because it’s true of people in general- we usually think our way is right, at least until proven otherwise. How...

The Best Daily Productivity Action

Is it calling 6 prospects? Clearing your desk? Eating and hydrating? Exercising? Reconciling your finances? Getting enough rest? These are all excellent activities to do daily. However, these are tasks to take inside a productive infrastructure. And the fastest way to...

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