Feb 28, 2018 | Consistency, Mindset, Success
That’s me, taking a picture of the huge sign hanging on the wall at our Airbnb (right next to a castle, mind you) here in the old city. It was a reminder to watch my thoughts, because it can go either way… When my boyfriend and my baby and I traveled...
Jul 9, 2014 | Blog, Habits, Organizing, Strategic Execution, Success
Growing up, I had the kind of kids’ room you see in movies- a safety hazard with stuff everywhere. My parents tried to make it better- they cajoled, threatened or insisted, but only one thing worked: a family member who was feeling relaxed would come and sit in my...
Jun 26, 2014 | Blog, Entrepreneurship, Habits, Productivity, Strategic Execution, Success
The first and last time I ever “surfed” I was sixteen, in Hannah, Hawaii. My friend promised me it “wasn’t that hard,” and the 5 foot waves “weren’t that big.” Did I mention I’m from New Jersey? I had just barely managed to stand up when a wave caught me,...