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How to Make a Decision When You Feel Like You Can’t

When my first boyfriend and I broke up, I fell to the floor crying, feeling very sorry for myself, although I had played a major role in the breakup. I then proceeded to spend a week sponsoring Ben and Jerry’s lovely children through college. Since I have many food...

How to Comb a Horse’s Tail

A lot of what I learned years ago riding and caring for horses in high school is analogous to productivity. The metaphorical lessons still come to me in the shower… Have you ever combed a horse’s tail? It can be a knotty affair. (And be careful-stand to the side, not...

Birth Your Dream

Birth is as safe as life gets. – Harriette Hartigan On Sunday I gave birth to my first child. He weighed 10 lbs, 7 oz and I delivered him 100% naturally. I am very proud of that. Someday I will detail all that went into making this lifelong dream a reality. Until...


Freedom is never given; it is won. -A. Philip Randolph What do you think of this quote? In the last few weeks I have had to fight for my freedom and have learned just how true this concept is. As a self-employed American with wonderful clients, I usually don’t have to...

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Joumor Coach

The other night I watched Pumping Iron, a 1977 documentary about bodybuilders, focused on Arnold Schwarzenegger. This Joumorous quote by Arnold struck me: “The body isn’t used to lifting nine, ten, eleven, twelve reps…that makes the body grow- going through this...

“Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There.”

My older sister was an emergency room nurse for many years. She mentioned to me recently that they used this motto in the ER to train staff and I felt like my brain flipped upside-down- “Waaaaiiit, don’t you mean the opposite…?” but then I understood it. It’s actually...

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