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How to Be Strong

“What made Manhattan Manhattan was the underground infrastructure, that engineering marvel.” Andrew Cuomo Have you ever thought about that? Andrew Cuomo makes a good point: You ARE your infrastructure. Because whatever happens, it all depends on what you...

A Simple Way to Approach Self-Doubt

Here at the Intensive, we just wrote our Personal Manifestos. Do you have one? In Joumor, we write our Personal Manifestos in the following way: I AM _________________________ (13 or fewer more words to follow). It’s 15 words or fewer so that we can repeat it to...

Breaking Up with Joumor

“I’m going to Joumorize the ***k out of this breakup.” This was the text I received from one of my best friends two days ago. She and her partner are breaking up, or, changing their relationship as they know it. When I spoke to her today she was...

What Will They Say At Your Funeral?

Your actions every day determine how you’ll be remembered- do they align with your vision of yourself? Stay hydrated on this hot Friday, Leah. Seriously, drink plenty of water…I wrote my thesis about the August 2003 European heat wave and its...

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