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Are Your Balls Made of Glass?

A few months ago I got really excited to make high quality Joumor branded insulated water bottles. I like making things, and I like giving gifts. I researched it, my assistant and I worked on it, and it seemed like everything was flowing smoothly. Then we realized...

How to Declutter with Gratitude

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey Thanks, Oprah. Now how can we be about a billionth as successful as you? It’s pretty...

Do You Think You’re Special?

…in a bad way?     Like, no one understands… Your shame of not wanting to have anyone over The ridiculous state of your internet and tech passwords Your debt breathing down your neck How you repeat tasks, totally forgetting you already started...

We Might As Well Stay Married…

Five years ago my client was beginning divorce proceedings from an unhappy and at times violent partner. She decided to work with me to handle the much needed organization of separating their estate, selling the house, figuring out old debts…there was a lot to...

Just the Tip

…Of the iceberg, people! 😉 We can only see 10% of an iceberg. The other 90% is beneath the surface. The same is true with our stuff, space, time, habits, money, dreams, relationships…and our bodies. There’s the surface..and the other 90% unseen but...

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