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Do you really want it, or just want to complain?

“Don’t complain to me if you’re not going to do anything about it.” – Grover to Otis, Kicking and Screaming, 1995, directed by Noah Baumbach (my favorite movie 🙂 Do what it takes There are things you say you want. But are you willing to do what it takes to get them?...

How to Begin Organizing

Ever hear the phrase or think, “I don’t even know where to begin.” (This phrase usually preceded or followed with a heavy sigh or moan). This is a common mantra for The Overwhelmed. Joumor Principle: Clutter attracts clutter, and the opposite is true. Meaning, no one...

The Procrastination Protector

Hillary Rettig is a procrastination expert who writes and speaks about it frequently. Years ago I attended a talk where she said, “People procrastinate because they want to avoid the same failure they’ve had in the past.” It struck me, and I never forgot it- the...

3 Simple Steps to Success

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. -Henry Ford What makes us successful? The answers are practically infinite. But in my work, there are certain trends that stand out the most As you may know, I’ve been hosting...

The Erotic Freedom of Decluttering

As a 25 year-old who had traveled internationally a fair amount on her own, I considered myself rather worldly. When I began this work of organizing and decluttering, I entered into a whole new world- the interior one of the mind, that was new and much more textured...

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