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Getting in the Mood…;) VIDEO

“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.” Mason Cooley Sometimes we’re in the mood to do things, and it’s easy- we absorb ourselves in our passion and can work for days or months and it never feels like work. We have energy, we laugh...

A Passover Lesson From Dr. Seuss

“Man is free only when he can realize and accept his limitations.” – Friedrich Nietzsche Most of you reading this article are familiar with the biblical Passover story of the Jewish slaves escaping (or being released) from their Egyptian captors. Observant Jews...

Stuck In an Elevator: Joumor Time Management Lessons

Yesterday I had 2 appointments after a full workday. Following my own Joumor rules, I scheduled what felt like an absurd amount of time between them, which gave me 1.5 hours to get from 14th St./5th Ave to 52nd St./8th Ave. Any New Yorker knows this can be...

What Marie Kondo Gets Wrong

Lately people are mentioning the Japanese professional organizer Marie Kondo and her book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up*. I absolutely agree that there IS life changing magic when one tidies up. It’s great that her book has helped many people, and anyone who...

Why Hard is Good

You know what’s easy? Punishing ourselves. Setting ourselves up to fail. Making the same choices and being disappointed in the same results. Blaming others. Being overwhelmed. Not finishing things….and all that other unjoumorous stuff… Last week my new client wanted...

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