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If You’re Not Robert De Niro, Do This

Do you go to the gym for classes and/or have a personal trainer? Do you call a friend to keep you company so you can have a burst of productivity? It’s not because it’s hard or we don’t know how, many of us are smart and capable people who also don’t like to do things...

The Point In Moving the Needle Just a Little #punintended

Brendon Burchard is a marketing guru whom I admire and respect. But I disagree with one of his major tenets of Productivity. He asks, “What will move the needle THE MOST?” It’s a nice idea, but doing so can be jarring and unsustainable. In Why Productivity Literature...

6 Secrets To (Start) Changing a Habit in 30 Days

Right now we are 26 Gamers in Joumor’s Game, 30 Days To Change a Habit. People are having AMAZING results. Why? Joumor’s new Games are designed to encourage Clutter-Free Connection on 3 Levels: With ourselves With another person In a community And guess what? It...

How 168 Hours IS Enough

When was the last time you managed your time well? You woke up feeling refreshed, the members of your household (including you) were fed and clothed at a reasonable hour, and everyone went off to their respective days and was fully productive. Upon reuniting (or...

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