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The Misery that Sparks Joy

I just read the book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson (and highly recommend it). In the section Pain is Part of the Process (p147) Manson discusses a Polish psychologist named Kazimierz Dabrowski who studied WWII survivors who had witnessed...

How to Live Off Old Money

Did you know up to 78% of gift cards go unused every year? So for that $100 gift card that was fun to give or to receive…$78 of it will sit in a drawer or fall out on the street and disappear. Can you freaking believe that? If you found $78 cash on the street,...

3 Commitments to Make Your Birthday Perfect Every Day

Hello my dear people. Thank you to those who commented to the previous post with their goals. I loved seeing them! Today is my birthday. I am grateful to be one year more me-ish, which has been made possible by those who love and support me…. as well as my luck...

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