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How 168 Hours IS Enough

When was the last time you managed your time well? You woke up feeling refreshed, the members of your household (including you) were fed and clothed at a reasonable hour, and everyone went off to their respective days and was fully productive. Upon reuniting (or...

When You Don’t Know … You Don’t Know

“Man is free only when he is able to realize and accept his limitations.” –Friedrich Nietzsche One of my Clarity, Action & Discipline students began shaking her head during class the other day. (We’re all on video in little boxes on the screen like the Brady...

What will it take to seize the day?

“We’re not in a camp in Syria.” –Sue Fisch, my mother, putting things in perspective. Brittany Maynard was a beautiful and seemingly (if you saw her) healthy 29-year-old who made use of the Death with Dignity Law in Oregon last week. She had a recurrent brain tumor...

Why Productivity Literature is WRONG

Most current productivity literature talks about “tackling” the hardest thing first. That’s a nice idea for those of us whose personalities love the adrenaline rush of clutching our way to the top of the mountain, or lifting that heavy weight and feeling the burrrrrn....

How to Prepare for the Unpreparable For

“That’s why we have to party every day.” –Sue Fisch, my mother The last two weeks have been hard for many of us. Death, disease, and war are always happening, but I made the mistake of listening to the news and somehow the litany seemed more unrelenting than usual....

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