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What To Do When You Don’t Hear Back

Remember the last time you sent that email or text and didn’t hear back? How did you feel? What did you do? Did you interpret the silence? When you put out a communication and don’t hear back, there is always clutter. Most people interpret the silence and...

And Gd said, “But I sent you a boat…”

This guy is drowning and he’s like, “It’s ok, Gd will save me.” So this boat comes by and he’s like, “No, Gd will save me.” And this scuba diver appears and puts out his hand and the guy is like, “No, Gd will save...

Remove What Doesn’t Belong

Tonight is the beginning of the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, where Jews are encouraged to ask forgiveness. Whether or not you observe this holiday, asking for forgiveness is a powerful concept. Why? Because bearing a grudge or a hurt is clutter, and any form of...

“We used to massage the octopus for only 30 minutes.”

Warning: skip the following two paragraphs if you don’t want to read about octopus being used for food. (I’ve personally never eaten these special creatures and don’t support it, but this anecdote is not about food choices- it’s about Mastery)....

Ready to Say Bye Bye to Your Limiting Beliefs?

“We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.” —Roger Ebert Do you lead with the “NO?” In every course I do, every program or event I attend, I am astounded at what comes out of attractive,...

“I wish I Could Binge Watch Game of Thrones!”

I was in Queretaro, Mexico for 4 days for a conference before coming to Cancun for the current view pictured above where I’ll be for another 6 days. The conference was for entrepreneurs who are or want to be Location Independent, meaning they can work from...

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