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How to Make a Decision When You Feel Like You Can’t

When my first boyfriend and I broke up, I fell to the floor crying, feeling very sorry for myself, although I had played a major role in the breakup. I then proceeded to spend a week sponsoring Ben and Jerry’s lovely children through college. Since I have many food...

How to Comb a Horse’s Tail

A lot of what I learned years ago riding and caring for horses in high school is analogous to productivity. The metaphorical lessons still come to me in the shower… Have you ever combed a horse’s tail? It can be a knotty affair. (And be careful-stand to the side, not...

The Power of NOT Pushing

Many people believe that going after a goal is like a Rottweiler going after a bone- you grab on and don’t let go until you’ve gotten the prize. Joumor takes a different view- the work is in setting ourselves up to win by setting ourselves up to receive. But what...

Birth Your Dream

Birth is as safe as life gets. – Harriette Hartigan On Sunday I gave birth to my first child. He weighed 10 lbs, 7 oz and I delivered him 100% naturally. I am very proud of that. Someday I will detail all that went into making this lifelong dream a reality. Until...


Freedom is never given; it is won. -A. Philip Randolph What do you think of this quote? In the last few weeks I have had to fight for my freedom and have learned just how true this concept is. As a self-employed American with wonderful clients, I usually don’t have to...

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