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The Magic of Perseverence

I really don’t believe in magic. -J.K. Rowling “Miranda” spent the last two weeks with me Joumorizing her life. She dealt in great detail with her finances, finishing her grandmother’s will, initiating a divorce, supporting her children going off to college, as...

The Race to Perseverance

“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.” -Walter Elliott This quote by Walter Elliot is sooooo Joumorous, isn’t it? Because everything is about all the tiny decisions we make all day every day. That’s what...

Why People Give Up and What To Do About It

Remember Job in the Bible? Like a good country song, he lost his wealth, his health, and his family…and probably his dog…but he didn’t lose the faith, and all was eventually replaced and returned to him. In life, we will be tested and challenged and confused,...

How Walking Helps Your Running

We often think walking is a “step” on the way to running. (Pun definitely intended!) That we must walk before we can run. And that’s true. But something to remember is that we will never be done walking, even to help our running. “But the truth is that periodic...

Taste Less, Taste More

You don’t have to be a neuroscientist to understand that less is more.  But it turns out that there is science behind it. Taste is processed in the parietal lobe of our brains (right behind the middle of your head). A recent study by Stanford University found that: “A...

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