Aug 20, 2014 | Blog, Building good habits, Business Success, Habits, Organizing, Productivity
Everything is a decision. Even if you haven’t stood in wonder in a cereal or toothpaste aisle, you are making decisions all day long. Some are small-which shirt, what size coffee, which train…and some are big-which partner, which city, which school…decisions,...
Aug 13, 2014 | Blog, Building good habits, Consistency, Organizing, Productivity
We care about some things more than others. When we can articulate that care and organize accordingly we can optimize our efficiency AND our environment. This foundational Joumor concept is called Prime Real Estate. Why do people pay high prices to live in tiny...
Aug 6, 2014 | Blog, Consistency, Entrepreneurship, Entreprenuer, Habits, High-Performance, Integrity, Leadership, Productivity, Productivity hacks
Joumor is Joy + Humor. But how do we access this? Riding my bike yesterday through New Forest, near Burley, England, I encountered a Joumorous irony: sometimes allowing things to be harder makes them easier. The path was gravelly, but after awhile I got the hang of...
Jul 30, 2014 | Blog, Building good habits, Consistency, Organizing
It takes 9 months to make a… Joumor’s Reorganize Yourself Kit! “Everything takes longer than you think.” –Sue Fisch, my mother Did you ever get an idea to do something, get really excited, and then years later look back and wonder why it never came into reality? In...
Jul 9, 2014 | Blog, Habits, Organizing, Strategic Execution, Success
Growing up, I had the kind of kids’ room you see in movies- a safety hazard with stuff everywhere. My parents tried to make it better- they cajoled, threatened or insisted, but only one thing worked: a family member who was feeling relaxed would come and sit in my...
Jun 26, 2014 | Blog, Entrepreneurship, Habits, Productivity, Strategic Execution, Success
The first and last time I ever “surfed” I was sixteen, in Hannah, Hawaii. My friend promised me it “wasn’t that hard,” and the 5 foot waves “weren’t that big.” Did I mention I’m from New Jersey? I had just barely managed to stand up when a wave caught me,...