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2 Steps to BEGIN Decluttering and Habit-Building

Ever hear the phrase or think, “I don’t even know where to begin.” (This phrase usually preceded or followed with a heavy sigh or moan). This is a common mantra for The Overwhelmed. Clutter attracts clutter, and the opposite is true. Meaning, no one notices one more...

The Wisdom of Bruce Lee

If you know anything about Bruce Lee, you know that the guy was freaking amazing. In his short life he accomplished more than most, AND left an incredible legacy. Although I don’t enjoy fighting and violence in movies (or at all) he is one of my heroes....

The Joy of Using What You Already Have

You know that feeling of, “YES!” when you find the exact thing you needed in your stuff? The other day my husband and I went to our apartment in Manhattan to prepare it for a visitor. While we were there, we found two things we had on our list to get later...

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